Arraiolos Gallery

I made this rug as a gift for a friend of the family who helped bring my two little nephews into the world. It took almost exactly 9 months to complete. Thank you, Susie!

Tapete Lisboa Antiga II - pattern and materials from Rosarios 4 (4'x6')

I made this rug as a gift for my mom. I started it in October 2009 and completed it by early March 2010 just in time for her birthday. It took a couple of months for the aches in my wrist and elbow to go away!
Tapete Luis XIV Pequeno - Versao Rosa - pattern and materials from Serranofil (3.5'x5.5')


I started my biggest project to-date after finishing up my Tapete Persa. After spending two years working the Rosetas rug below, I found out that I had been badly shorted on yarn; to make matters worse, the yarn I had been using had been subbed in without a label and I haven't been able to match the color. Cry. With the help of my new friends at Rosarios 4, I hope to be able to get a close match and finish the rug.

Tapete Rosetas - pattern and materials from Serranofil (5'x7')


This was my first rug worked using authentic materials from Portugal. Wow, what a difference the real stuff makes! It took me a while to figure this out and I ended up picking out and redoing A LOT of this rug; I also had some tension changes as I was getting to know the materials and the technique, so it doesn't lay quite flat. In hindsight, I should have started with a smaller, simpler project...but that's just not my way, now is it? :-)

I started this rug in May 2005 and finished it on my 30th birthday (2007).

Tapete Persa - pattern and materials from Serranofil (3'x5')

This is the sampler I made when I first discovered arraiolos. The pattern I borrowed from Rachel Anderson and the materials I cobbled together from what I could find at Joann's - a combination of acrylic and cotton yarn worked on 10-gauge mesh. The mesh worked ok - it softened up over time, but it was stiff and scratchy and the yarn stretched too much as I was working it. But, it was a good experiment and had me hooked in a matter of hours, despite the less than ideal materials. Today, the sampler doubles as a piano bench cover.